Privacy policy

Thank you for your interest in our website At DEGRENNE we work daily to maintain the trust of our customers. Protecting your privacy is extremely important for us. That is why we are committed to protecting the personal data of our customers with the greatest care, and this, in accordance with the legal provisions on data protection including in particular the new European Regulation on the protection of personal data (GDPR) which came into effect on 25 May 2018.

We have therefore updated our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy available on our website.

In the current Privacy Policy we provide you with information on the various aspects of data processing carried out on our website: (hereinafter “the Site”).

Data controller as per data protection legislation:
GUY DEGRENNE SARue Guy DEGRENNE– 14500 VIRE CEDEX FRANCETelephone +33 (0)231664490 / E-mail “DEGRENNE”)

The following personal data categories are collected and processed by DEGRENNE when you visit the Site:
a. We collect the necessary personal data to process your request for a quote on the Site, such as your title, your name and surname, your email address, your company name and country;
b. We collect your email address when you sign up to our newsletter service;
c. We process personal data such as your name and email address which you provide us when you contact our Customer Services, in order to provide you with requested assistance;
d. With your consent, we collect information about your browsing on the Site, such as the pages you visit and how you interact with them.

We inform you that DEGRENNE does not process the personal data of minors. By accessing and by using the Degrenne services you declare that you are of legal age.

a. To provide you with the information or the services related to your quote request.
b. To manage requests addressed to our Customer Services which uses the personal data that you have provided to respond to your information and assistance requests.
c. To manage your CV. If you send your CV to apply for a position, DEGRENNE undertakes to use the information it contains for this purpose only. Your CV will be kept for two years maximum, after which time it will be deleted. If you wish, you can of course send us a new updated version.
d. With your consent, to conduct analyses and statistical studies. We use information concerning your use of the website, your browsing mode and your use of the services offered, in order to conduct analyses and statistical studies to improve our offer and our services.
e. With your consent, we send you our newsletters in order to keep you informed of news, arrivals, exclusive products as well as our offers and promotions.

If you wish to authorise the activities referred to in points d) and e), then no longer receive other communications from DEGRENNE you can at any time stop these communications by unsubscribing via the link at the bottom of each newsletter or by contacting our Customer Services at We inform you that you may receive other communications after making your request, since some communications may have already been scheduled and our systems need 24 to 48 hours to process your request. Within the context of all the above activities, we will process your personal data mainly by means of automatic and electronic devices meeting high security criteria, fully compliant with current legislation.

We will only process your personal data in the presence of one of the legal basis defined by existing legislation, and in particular:

a. For the completion and execution of a contract which you are a party to. When we process your data on this basis, we take care to only use the minimum information necessary for the execution of the contract. This basis justifies the processing of personal data taking place for the following activities:- Processing of your request for quote in order to provide you with the requested information and services;- Management of your requests by our Customer Services.

b. Within the context of obtaining your consent: you accept the processing of your personal data by express consent (tick box, click etc.). You can withdraw this consent at any time but this may be necessary to finalise a contract. The processing of CVs sent speculatively, carried out for the purpose of evaluating candidates for a possible job at DEGRENNE is legitimate because it is expressly authorised by a legal provision which specifies that, in this case, the consent of the person to whom the personal data refers to is not necessary. You are free to share your CV with us, or not, but in the absence of it, we will not be in a position to evaluate your candidacy for a position at DEGRENNE.

We use Cookies on our website. This standard technology refers to small text files saved on the device you are using which makes it more enjoyable or more secure to visit a website, amongst other things. Cookies automatically send us certain data such as your IP address, the browser used, the operating system installed on your computer or your Internet connection. Cookies can also be used to better adapt the offer of a website to the interests of the visitor or to improve it through statistical evaluations.

You will find more information in our Cookie Use Policy.

Personal data collected by DEGRENNE on the site is hosted within the European Union and are not transferred outside the European Union. It is only intended to be used by DEGRENNE. The recipients of your personal data are DEGRENNE Customer Services and Sales Department.

DEGRENNE can however call upon technical service providers to whom the data could be temporarily and securely transmitted such as:- Marketing agencies to carry out our advertising, marketing and sales campaigns;- Technical service providers.

DEGRENNE is committed to ensuring that its service providers/subcontractors have taken the technical and organisational measures to guarantee compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

We will only keep your personal data for the time strictly necessary for the purposes set out in Article II “Purpose of data collection” or to comply with our legal obligations.

Personal data relating to customers and prospects is kept for a period of 5 years from the last active contact with DEGRENNE.

The retention periods of various cookies are specified in our cookie policy (link).

You have a right of information in accordance with article 15 GDPR, a right of rectification in accordance with article 16 GDPR, a right to erasure in accordance with article 17, a right to the limitation of processing in accordance with article 18 GDPR, a right of withdrawal in accordance with article 21 GDPR and a right to data portability in accordance with article 20 GDPR.

You can exercise your rights, unsubscribe from this database at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the email or by contacting us either via email: or by post at the following address: Guy Degrenne SA – Service Juridique & Compliance – 177 Rue de la Convention, 75015 Paris. As part of our security policy your request must be accompanied by a copy of your ID to ensure that you are the person making the request. DEGRENNE Simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 23 626 744.50 euros - the head office : Rue Guy Degrenne 14500 VIRE enregistered under the n° 342 100 120 RCS Caen. For further information, you can visit our privacy policy at

If you believe, after contacting us at the address that your Data Protection and Freedom of Information rights have not been respected, you can send a complaint to the CNIL [National Commission on Informatics and Liberty] for more information:

We reserve the right to adapt our Privacy Policy in particular so that it constantly meets the legal requirements in force or in order to introduce changes to our services in the Privacy Policy, for example in the event of creating new services. The new Privacy Policy will apply to all subsequent visits.

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Savoir faire DEGRENNE : La Manufacture de Limoges